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The Ozarks Gem & Mineral Society, Inc was founded in 1957 as a non-profit organization dedicated to giving rockhounds in the Ozarks a place to gather and learn. The purpose of the Society is to study and promote an interest in earth science, geology, paleontology, and mineralogy; study lapidary and jewelry-making art; conduct education; support youth activities; and encourage interest in earth science. We are a member club of the Midwest Federation of Mineralogical & Geological Societies, which in turn, is a member of the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies.



  • The president shall preside at all meetings of the society and board of directors, be an ex-officio member of all committees, exercise supervision over affairs of the society, coordinate the work of the officers and committees, and perform other such duties as may be incumbent upon a president.
  • The vice president shall act as an aide to the president, perform the president’s duties in their absence or inability to serve, and perform other such duties as may be assigned by the president or board of directors.
  • The secretary shall keep and maintain all records of membership, membership cards, attendance, and minutes of all membership and director’s meetings and shall conduct such correspondence as may be required by the president or board of directors and generally perform other such duties as are ordinarily incumbent upon a secretary.
  • The treasurer shall have custody of the corporation’s funds, keep a complete and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, and make disbursements as authorized and approved by the board of directors. The treasurer shall be able to make disbursements up to $250.00 without prior approval from the board. The treasurer will appoint, with board approval, a second check signer in case the treasurer is unavailable to sign checks. The treasurer shall prepare a monthly financial statement or, when requested, by the board of directors. The treasurer shall maintain such books of account and records as conforming to these bylaws.

Board of Directors

  • The board of directors shall consist of the officers of the corporation and one (1) at-large director for every twenty (20) members, with a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) directors. Elected directors will serve a two-(2) year term and remain on the board until the election and qualification of their successors. A member may serve as a director for up to two (2) consecutive terms. After a break of one (1) two-(2) year term, they may serve as a director again. The board will have a maximum of eight (8) members. In the case of a tie vote, the president will break the tie.
  • No person shall serve as a board member until they have been a member in good standing for twelve (12) months.
  • The board of directors shall meet monthly at a time designated by the president before the regular monthly meeting of the general membership to conduct the corporation’s ordinary business. The president will announce anything that affects the society or its normal operation at the next regular meeting and ensure the distribution of a board meeting report to the membership.
  • The president or two board members may call a special board meeting of the board of directors.
  • The board of directors shall have the power to dismiss a board member or officer who has not attended three (3) board meetings in any calendar year. In addition, in the best interests of the corporation, the board of directors may remove any board member by a vote of three-quarters (3/4) of the board. A quorum of the remaining board members will choose someone to fill the remaining office term.
  • Sixty percent (60%) of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum. 
  • Members of the board of directors shall not receive compensation for their services as directors. However, the treasurer may reimburse them for out-of-pocket expenses due to their duties. 

Click here for a copy of our Bylaws.